One Day or Day One?

Good decisions come from good energy. Let me share examples from my own experience.

One day a buddy and I wanted to make studying for CISSP easier. The same day we bought a domain called JiffyCard and started building a mobile flash card app.

One day my wife and I wanted to figure out how to lower the cost of a nanny for our first kid. A week later, I bought the domain called Pareday and shipped a family matching service for nanny shares.

One day my wife desired a better way to manage her work as an instructional designer. The next day I bought the domain LearnGlue and started building a tool to plan and develop learning.

Most of these didn’t amount to a huge pay out, and the verdict is still out on one of them. But damn it feels good to turn dreams into reality.

What they lacked in financial outcomes, they enabled in rocket shipping my growth. Both personally and professionally.

Alright, so here’s the secret. There is no secret. There’s only pro tips.

Two things I got right:

  1. Made a decision to start and
  2. Started by doing the smallest action I could take and iterating.

If good decisions come from good energy, good energy comes from what you do on day one.

Here’s what went wrong though. None of them created free cash flow and became a sustainable business that users could rely on forever. I believe that this is the ultimate flex for any builder to achieve.

But that’s not what this post is about. It’s about going zero to one, and overcoming the “one day..” resistance.

If you want to go from one day to day one, you have to think big but start small. Plan your future by deciding what you’re going to do today. This action can be small like buying a website domain. But the daily small actions will create your future.

In other words, dreams happen if you set a goal and give it an end date.

So, whenever you’re sitting around thinking about that one day you’ll get to an idea - remember.

Be decisive and start today. Good energy is on the other side of day one.

Previous post: VC-Backed Founder Anonymous

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