I write unscripted on software, traction, and business. Come curious.

When Gmail Goes Away

If you care about your online presence, own your identity.

The Fifth Season

I’ve never read a sci-fi book until last weekend. I cracked open The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin before going to bed and got 3 hours of rest that night. How I came to learn about the book was through a good friend, who raved enough about it that I decided to borrow the first two books in the series to catch up with him.

Productivity Metric

Determine your personal weekly completion rate

The Moob Diet

Here's a weird sentence. I ate myself into a pair of man boobs a few years back. This is a post about how I burned them off (sort of).

Parenting Advice

Understand how your child learns. Hire mentors as tutors. Learning starts at home.

Hacking Child Care

Childcare is expensive. Hack it and share a nanny with other parents.

Python and Diversity

NUMFocus is a non-profit organization that supports open-source projects like NumPy, SciPy and Pandas


Whatever you do, choose happiness. It's the best way to live.

Hackers as Parents

I've recently wondered what goes into being a newborn parent. Now I know and it's like the life of a Hacker.


Today I turned twenty-nine. As a new tradition, I'm writing twenty-nine things I've learned in twenty-nine years.